Expo Dubai 2020
& Transition to Legacy
Job Role: Oversee the legacy transition post Expo 2020 event, coordinate the design of allocated projects, plan and engage with consultants to manage transition from Expo 2020 to it’s legacy District 2020 post event.
District 2020 - Phasing Plans & Road Access Strategy
Co-ordinating infrastructure planning of the transition masterplan with Parsons as the lead infrastructure planning consultants, phasing the transition of the masterplan through the next 5 years forward post Expo 2020.
The transition of the main core thematic district to a multi-use commercial and residential plots is essential to the transition of the masterplan from event phase to legacy phase. Therefore studying the repurposing of 80% of the buildings and assets post-expo to align our core requirements and vision to create a blueprint for a human centric, smart and sustainable city.
Plot sheets + Pavilion Transition
Working on masterplan plot sheets on AutoCad to readjust the Expo Masterplan to District 2020 Legacy, with the readjustment of some roads, infrastructure, as well as considering pavilion redesign and alignment comes into consideration during the transition phase of the project. Some pavilions are fully retained, expanded, or minimized in space in their legacy phase of the project and have to undergo plot planning adjustments in order to align with the new phasing and strategy of the District 2020/Expo City Masterplan. Drafting sales marketing sheets and plot sheets for future tenants to lease out different spaces within District 2020/Expo City Masterplan, subdividing areas, ensuring plot restrictions and access points align with the tenant design guidelines, as well as ensuring unit and utility information aligns with the transition masterplan and caters to the future tenants of these repurposed buildings throughout the the main cores of districts.